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Astral Arsenal

Astral Arsenal


A combat mod that looks to do much more then vanilla could

Client and server EquipmentGame MechanicsMagicUtility


Changes to kosmogliphs

Endurance â–¼

  • Damage reduction 75% -> 65%

Bleed ↺

  • Now deals damage every second
  • Every level above the first causes bleed to deal 0.25 damage extra instead of reducing time between damage ticks.
  • Hitting an entity with bleed adds a level to it

Alchemist â–²

  • Increased max charges to 64

Capacitance â–²

  • Strikes now instantly strike

Reduce â–²

  • Hitting an entity with reduce adds a level to it.

Changes to vanilla

  • Increased damage reduction of feather falling from 12% per level to 20% per level. This is to compensate for the removal of protection enchantments
  • Added a new mechanic - Crimson time. Crimson time works as a coyote time for melee attacks. This takes heavy inspiration from Enchancement which has the same mechanic. Crimson time, when activated, will change the crosshare to red. Credit to blur for the implementation, and Moriya for the inspiration.


  • Fixed an issue that caused reduce to not work or scale


Hey y'all, This might be the last update with balance changes for a while as I feel like this is nearing a good point of balance. If you disagree, please do let me know over on the discord. And as always, if you find any bugs please report them over on the github.

Changes to kosmogliphs:

Astral slash â–²

  • Mob damage multiplier 2.0 -> 2.5

FlameBurst ↺

  • When attacking a player, no longer shoots projectiles
  • Projectiles no longer affected by entity velocity

Freeze ↺

  • When attacking a player, no longer shoots projectiles Increased freeze ticks 200 -> 340
  • Projectiles no longer affected by entity velocity

Air speed â–²

  • Reduced time in air with movement kosmogliphs needed to start moving faster 5s -> 2s
  • Now plays a sound when increasing speed
  • No longer increases when climbing

Deep wounds â–²

  • Killing an entity now grants you extra absorption hp depending on the hp of the entity.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an old buff to work so astral slash does 5 damage instead of 3
  • Fixed an issue where deep wounds wouldn’t stack absorption properly when the blade was fired.


The absorption gained from deep wounds has a cap, so it isn't as broken as it seems at first. it also only lasts 5 seconds, so youll find it hard to get too much use out of it. it just felt like a fun thing to keep PVE fights engaging and relentless.

Changes to Kosmogliphs

Shotgun ↺

  • Now works with fireworks
  • Reduced number of arrows 10 -> 5
  • Now increases number of arrows with multishot 10 -> 15


  • Fixed a missing lang file


  • Fixed an issue that caused crashes when non-vanilla potions were applied to alchemist

Optimisation changes

  • Changed shotgun and flamethrower to properly use deviance

New kosmogliphs:


This kosmogliph works as a 3x3x3 hoe that only breaks mature crops, pumpkins, and melons, netherwart, sweet berries and cocoa beans

Changes to kosmogliphs:

Orbital, devastate, time bomb, lock off ↺

  • fired projectiles Now affected by gravity
  • Now multishot compatible

Astral slash ↺

  • Back to using magic damage
  • Now has different particles to indicate its magic damage type

Changes to recipes(if angry, blame ender and farmers delight):

  • Amethyst dust 3 amethysts -> 9 amethysts

Changes to blocks(block)

  • Cosmic table is waterloggable
  • Cosmic table emits some light

Cannonball, mortar â–¼

  • Now consume 20 greathammer durability

Knockback explosion â–¼

  • Now deals 5 damage to the creator of the explosion, this is to make cannonball jumping less reliable overall.


  • Fixed an issue where astral slash did infinite damage
  • Any existing beam of light arrows will now be affected by gravity, letting them cease to exist on their own


  • Fixed an issue that cause astral slash, basic railgun, snipe and lightning to deal infinite damage

Changes to kosmogliphs


  • Damage nerf 5 -> 1
  • Now bypasses immunity frames


  • Fixed an issue wherecertain damages could hurt and kill creative players
  • Fixed an issue where damage types didn't have death messages if the player was wielding a special item

Changes to kosmogliphs:

Ray of frost â–¼

  • Reduced freeze ticks 500 -> 400
  • Now sets frost frames instead of adding them

Jump, dash, dodge â–²

  • Reduced cooldown increase from freeze ticks, 5 ticks/s -> 1 tick/s

Flamethrower â–²

  • Complete changes. Instead of a raycast, it fires out projectiles that light entities on fire and deal damage.

Endurance â–¼

  • No longer reduces guardian and elder guardian damage

Capacitance â–²

  • Now reduces guardian and elder guardian damage
  • Now deals 20% of the damage as hard damage
  • Track time 20 -> 35 ticks

Devastate â–²

  • track time 40 -> 45

Orbital â–²

  • track time 50 -> 55

Time bomb â–²

  • active time 5 -> 40

Bleed â–²

  • Effect time 15s -> 20s
  • Can now be used with channelling

Reduce â–²

  • Effect time 10s -> 20s
  • Can now be used with channelling

Astral slash ↺

  • Changed damage type Magic -> Plasma

Freeze â–¼

  • reduced freeze ticks added 400 -> 200
  • reduced freeze ticks added by frost bolts 500 -> 200


  • Fixed an issue where explosive dealt no damage or knockback to the entity directly hit
  • Fixed an issue where explosive dealt no damage to the player
  • Fixed an issue where ray of frost could deal 2x as much frost frames because of overlapping hitboxes.
  • Fixed an issue where some sources of damage would completely drain movement kosmogliphs
  • Fixed an issue where movement kosmogliphs expected damage values of 2 or more, rather then 5 or more
  • Fixed an issue where Orbital, Devastated, Time bomb, lock off, Shotgun and Cannonball launcher would shoot projectiles that inherited the players movement


Nothing to really note, dash, jump, and dodge all had problems with how much they'd be reduced by frost frames, and ray of frost was very broken.

As per usual, balance changes will continue to happen every week. If you feel something is too strong, or too weak, please contact me on discord in the #astral-arsenal channel on the Team Voided discord server. Additionally please report bugs to the Github repository.

Enjoy, and have a nice week!

  • Made it so that Lava no longer reduces your movement kosmogliphs
  • made the keeps_movement tag that stops damage types from reducing movement kosmogliphs

Changes to kosmogliphs:

Jump, dash, dodge ↺

  • Increased cooldowns by 5 ticks for every second of freezing you have
  • Cooldowns increase by 1 second every time you are hit for 5 damage or more(pre-armour) not including fall damage. If you have all three charges, one charge is removed with the full 1 second cooldown.
  • Dash now boosts you 25% less when at 25% or less hp. Hard damage counts towards max hp, so if you have 10 max hp thanks to hard damage, you’d need to have 2.5 hp or less to count.
  • after being airborne for 5 seconds leads to an increase in air movement speed.
  • Jump is 70% quieter
  • dodge is prettier

Cannonball, Mortar, Explosive â–¼

  • Reduced damage of the explosive railgun + cannonball/mortar 20 -> 17.5

Hard damage â–²

  • Now stacks from multiple sources

Deep wounds â–²

  • Now rewards the user with bonus absorption HP for each health removed from targets in hard damage
  • Now gives a way to replenish lost absorption HP. Attacking with this weapon will restore a small amount of absorption.

Freeze â–²

  • Increased freeze time of offshoots 400 -> 500 ticks
  • Increased freeze time of sword 220 -> 400

Flame burst

  • No longer requires fire aspect.

Shotgun â–²

  • No longer requires multishot.
  • Still conflicts with piercing.
  • Made it so one of the arrows fired is able to be picked up, and always shoots in the middle of the crosshair

Basic railgun, snipe ↺

  • Cooldown reduced 40s -> 15s
  • Now deals 5 damage and hard damage to the user. Hard damage lasts 20 seconds.

Flamethrower â–²

  • Damage increased 3 -> 5

Reduce â–²

  • Damage vulnerability increased 15% -> 30%

Bleed â–²

  • Time between damage 3s -> 1.5s
  • Length of effect 10s -> 15s

Antidote â–¼

  • No longer speeds up hard damage

Beam of light â–²

  • Now gives hard damage for 20s.

Orbital â–²

  • track time 2s -> 2.5s
  • now deals 2 hard damage
  • 25% size increase

Devastate â–²

  • 200% size increase
  • now deals 4 hard damage

Lock off ↺

  • damage 1 -> 0
  • should no longer delete items
  • Now starts draining the hp of those that enter for about 1hp/s. This draining is done as hard damage. This lasts 5 seconds once leaving the zone.
  • windup 3.5s -> 2.5s
  • track time 2.5s -> 2s

Time bomb â–²

  • deals 25 hard damage.
  • track time 55s -> 29s
  • windup 60s -> 30s

Astral strike â–²

  • hits to activate 5 -> 3
  • Now deals 1 hard damage

Slam â–²

  • Increased slam jump ticks so that it can be performed easier.

All explosions ↺

  • Instead of launching entities directly upwards, they now deal knockback like any other explosion

All kosmogliphs â–²

  • Items with kosmogliphs are now enchantable

Changes to weapons:

Astral greathammer:

  • Now enchantable


  • Removed a period in the bleed death message
  • Jump now recharges when in fluids
  • Vein mine no longer gains durability when it shouldn’t
  • Hammer and vein mine no longer effect blocks outside the world boarder


This patch I wanted to focus on making fights more interesting. PvP fights had a tendency to continue on and on, with one player backing out to eat and heal every 5 seconds. Im aiming to reduce the effectiveness of this strategy by making it harder to run, more rewarding to fight, and giving more ways to attack escaping players.

The increase in airborne speed is to just make moving feel more fun, that's it. Speed = fun :3

Railgun and snipe have been changed for a more PvP oriented design, rewarding good aim with high armour-piercing damage. To make this more interesting then a 1-click-delete half hp button once per fight, the hard damage mechanic has been introduced. This should make it a risky, but highly rewarding play.

Hard damage changes have been made to make it a more interesting mechanic overall.

Beams of light have been hard to use, or outright worthless. Changes to them are here to try and make them more usable.

Major update this week with a lot of changes, hope you enjoy. As per usual, balance changes will continue to happen every monday. If you feel something is too strong, or too weak, please contact me on discord in the #astral-arsenal channel on the Team Voided discord server. Additionally please report bugs to the Github repository.

Thanks for playing

  • All protections have been properly removed
  • Dash and Jump now have HUD elements
  • Dash and Jump now recharge sound now plays only on client
  • Dash and Jump now have better sound
  • Recipes look better, they're the same recipes, but they just look better
  • Kosmogliph command now requires you to have admin
  • Removed Silk Touch from smelter disallowed enchantments

Changes to kosmogliphs:

ray of frost, explosive, rancid brew â–¼

  • Cooldown 20s -> 30s

Basic railgun, Snipeâ–¼

  • Cooldown 20s -> 40s

Ray of frost â–²

  • Increased damage 5 -> 7.5

Endurance â–¼

  • Decreased damage reduction 90% -> 75%

Cannonball, Mortar â–²

  • When shot with a basic railgun, explode for a strong explosion.
  • When shot with snipe, explode for a weak explosion
  • When shot with explosive, explode for an even stronger explosion that deals 20 damage
  • When shot with rancid brew, explode dealing 0 damage but afflicting the same potion effects for twice as long
  • When shot with ray of frost, explode dealing 0 damage but freezing everything for much longer.
  • Fixed previous cannonball buff to function

Reflective ↺

  • Damage reduction 90% -> 50%
  • Now has a 70% chance to reflect a projectile back at the attacker

Astral slashâ–²

  • Damage increase 3 -> 5
  • Damage multiplier against mobs 1x -> 2x

Changes to recipes:

Lazulica blend

  • 2x lapis dust, 2x quartz dust -> 2x lapis dust, 6x quartz dust, 1x diamond

Amerald blend

  • 2x amethyst dust, 2x emerald dust -> 4x amethyst dust, 4x emerald dust, 1x diamond

Concentrated amethyst blend

  • 8x amethyst dust -> 8x amethyst dust, 1x diamond

Amethyst dust

  • 2x amethyst -> 3x amethyst

Greathammer and railgun

  • Replaced 4x kosmic gem with 4x diamond


Railguns, beams of light, explosions caused by kosmogliphs

  • Should no longer delete items or effect non-living entities(aside from cannonball and mortar for railguns)


  • Fixed an issue where leaving a server would cause a crash.
  • Removed unnecessary prints that should no longer show in logs

Snipe, flamethrower

  • Should no longer crash the game on client.


The railgun changes are because simply they were too strong. Basic railgun and snipe both penetrate armour, so they have been given double the cooldowns while the others, aside from flamethrower, got a 50% increase.

Railguns now affecting cannonballs and mortars is to encourage more interesting gameplay and comboing certain weapons.

Recipe changes are to address the issues put forward by ender of kosmogliphs being too cheap. If you have a problem with this, then blame ender.

Balance changes will continue to happen every monday. If you feel something is too strong, or too weak, please contact me on discord in the #astral-arsenal channel on the Team Voided discord server. Additionally please report bugs to the Github repository.

Thank you for playing

  • Hammer & vein-mine now increments blocks mined stat

External resources

Project members


Main everything


Backbone of complex mechanics


gay Programmer


Major programmer



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID