This plugin allows you to easily create and manage warps.
- Create, delete, list and teleport to warps.
- Reload the plugin in-game.
- Customizable messages in messages.yml.
- Use /setwarp <name> to create a warp.
- Use /listwarps to list all warps.
- Use /delwarp <name> to delete a warp.
- Use /warp <name> to teleport to a warp.
- Use /simplewarps reload to reload the plugin.
- Use /simplewarps about to get information about the plugin.
- simplewarps.admin.reload - Allows you to use /simplewarps reload.
- simplewarps.cmd.setwarp - Allows you to use /setwarp <name>.
- simplewarps.cmd.listwarps - Allows you to use /listwarps
- simplewarps.cmd.delwarp - Allows you to use /delwarp <name>.
- simplewarps.cmd.warp - Allows you to use /warp <name>.
View config.yml
# SimpleWarps by Losterixx
# Version: 1.0.0 | MC-Version: 1.21.1
# Hint: To use HEX colors, write '&x&r&r&g&g&b&b' instead of '#rrggbb'.
prefix: "&8[&6SimpleWarps&8] &7"
noPlayer: "&cOnly players can use this command!"
noPerms: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command!"
View messages.yml
# SimpleWarps by Losterixx
# Version: 1.0.0 | MC-Version: 1.21.1
# Hint: To use HEX colors, write '&x&r&r&g&g&b&b' instead of '#rrggbb'.
reloading: "&7SimpleWarps &eis reloading&7..."
success: "&SimpleWarps has been &areloaded&7!"
error: "&cAn error occurred while reloading SimpleWarps! Check the console for details."
usage: "&cPlease use &e/simplewarps <about/reload>&c!"
usage: "&cPlease use &e/setwarp <name>&c!"
set: "&7The warp &e%warp% &7has been set!"
usage: "&cPlease use &e/listwarps&c!"
noWarps: "&cNo warps have been set!"
list: "&7All existing warps:"
format: " &8- &f" # after this, the plugin places the warp name
usage: "&cPlease use &e/delwarp <name>&c!"
notExists: "&cThe warp &e%warp% &cdoes not exist!"
deleted: "&7The warp &e%warp% &7has been deleted!"
usage: "&cPlease use &e/warp <name>&c!"
notExists: "&cThe warp &e%warp% &cdoes not exist!"
teleported: "&7You have been teleported to the warp &e%warp%&7!"
If you encounter any issues or bugs, or have a request for a new feature, please contact me via Discord.
My discord-name is Losterixx.