A simple plugin based on the Trinkets Mod. This plugin allows you to add custom trinket Items using Oraxen
Currently, you can only make it so trinkets give you default vanilla effects that you can customize.
Currently you can only use Oraxen to make trinkets, as it requires a custom item and why re-invent the wheel when I dont need to? Oraxen is a paid plugin, If you don't want to pay for it, the creator allows you to build it as it's open source. Building it makes you ineligible to get support, default assets, etc..
Plugin has configurable messages, and the trinket gui.
here is an example of a trinket for your feet that gives you speed 1 - using an oraxen item with the id "speed_socks":
feet_trinkets: # valid entries: <feet|legs|chest|head>_trinkets
speed_socks: # ID of your item
oraxen_item: speed_socks # As of 1.0.0 only works with Oraxen (https://oraxen.com/) custom items.
speed: # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
amplifier: 0 # if unset, it's 0, 0 doesn't mean that the effect is disabled, it means that it's a level 1 effect
ambient: true # if unset, it's true
particles: false # if unset, it's true
has_icon: true # if unset, it's true