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A mob catcher where you throw chicken eggs at mobs for a chance to catch them!

Server Game Mechanics MobsUtility

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  • Fixed issue with all MythicMobs being uncatchable (and throwing an error).
  • Added support for StackMob.
  • Fixed 'None' showing in loaded dependancies (on server start in console) when all dependancies are being used.
  • Internal changes to update NBTAPI.


  • Fixed Zombie Villagers throwing an error when caught/spawned.
  • Fixed Cats throwing an error when caught/spawned.
  • Fixed Frogs throwing an error when caught/spawned.
  • Fixed Wolf variant data-tag (wolf variants now save on 1.20.5+).
  • Removed leftover debug message when catching a wolf.
  • Fixed Snow Golems not being able to save data.
  • Fixed Mooshrooms not being able to save data.
  • Renamed Snow Golem from 'Snowman' in the mobs.yml and permissions.
  • Renamed Mooshroom from 'Mushroom_Cow' in the mobs.yml and permissions.
  • Fixed Snow Golem and Mooshroom permission issue.

Note the change to Snow Golem & Mooshroom permissions:

  • mobstoeggs.catch.snow_golem
  • mobstoeggs.spawner.snow_golem
  • mobstoeggs.catch.mooshroom
  • mobstoeggs.spawner.mooshroom


  • Fixed error with language files not loading correctly.
  • Updated how language files are loaded and called internally.
  • Fixed entity that was leashed not dropping the lead when caught.
  • Added support for HEX colors on the capsule name and lore.
  • Added support for HEX colors on the mob spawn egg name and lore.
  • Fixed 1.21 mobs not loading in the mobs.yml.

MobsToEggs no longer provides support for versions below 1.20.


  • Fixed capsule crafting recipe breaking the plugin when using empty slots in the recipe.
  • Fixed Foxes trying to save a non-existant trusted player.
  • Added support for the Breeze and Bogged mobs.
  • Temporarily removed wolf variant data-tag due to errors.


  • Changed internal config library to have better performance.
  • Changed /mte and /mte help layout to be easier to read.
  • Changed /mte give <player> <amount> to now support player or amount in any order when giving a capsule.
  • Updated config.yml and mobs.yml config updater (changing the config-version value will break your config files).
  • Updated plugin update listener.
  • Added armadillo entity (1.20.6).
  • Added wolf variant data-tag (1.20.6).


  • Added support for MythicMobs to be caught.
    • Each MythicMob can be automatically added to the mobs.yml when it is first hit by the capsule. Settings for the MythicMob can then be changed. All 'egg' values here are ignored.
    • When using permissions, each MythicMob needs to be individually added to the player's permission group with mobstoeggs.catch.mythicmobname. i.e. mobstoeggs.catch.skeletalknight.
    • When a mythic mob is caught, the spawn egg will be added directly to the player's inventory.
  • Fixed the positioning of the throw particles so they no longer appear inside the ground.
  • Fixed the positioning of the throw sound to be more inline with the player's head.
  • Added support for changing the throw and catch particle speed.
  • Added the option to define the throw particle x,y,z offset (default is 0.5 each).
  • Fixed the default catch particles appearing to explode outward too much (default particle speed is now set at 0.2).
  • Fixed support for Enderman catching when throwing the capsule at them.
  • Updated the plugin update checker.
  • Fixed the issue with the throw method not automatically updating the capsule projectile-type unless the server is restarted (this will now update when the config.yml is updated).
  • Fixed the issue with off-hand punched capsules removing 2 capsules from the player instead of 1.
  • Disabled baby chickens spawning from eggs only when the capsule (as an Egg) is thrown, has a name or lore, and enable-chicken-egg-hatching: false. Normal chicken eggs will now spawn baby chickens.
  • Removed the old v1.5.5_5 and below config backup system. If you are still on one of these old plugin versions for some reason, please load v1.7.7 before using v1.7.8+ to backup old config files.
  • Kotlin internal library updated to v1.9.22 (This will auto download on your first server start with this plugin version).


  • Fixed issue with other MobsToEggs dependencies not loading when Vault is installed.
  • Fixed issue with custom capsule crafting recipe not working on the server start when using Vault (linked to issue above).
  • Added support for HEX colors in language file messages (use &#HEXVALUE - Use two in one message for a gradient between them).
  • Fixed the issue with null entity owners in mob egg data trying to be assigned to a player when the mob is spawned.
  • Added a check when data tags fail to be assigned to avoid duplicated entities from spawning from a single spawn egg.
  • Fixed the capsule item value never being used (it now correctly applies the item look of the thrown projectile).
  • Fixed the issue with Armor stands being caught.
  • Set the default assigned value of the capsule item to 'Egg' instead of 'Snowball'.
  • Added command '/mte info' to see which dependencies are currently being used.
  • Kotlin internal library updated to v1.9.10 (This will auto download on your first server start with this plugin version).


  • Fixed entities spawning from spawn eggs at the wrong y-axis when trying to spawn on blocks that can be walked through (i.e. tall grass, flowers, etc).
  • Fixed spawn eggs causing the entity to spawn when trying to open an interactive block (i.e. chests, furnace, etc).
  • Fixed entity spawn eggs not being consumed/spawning a mob instead when changing a spawner type.


  • Removed "failed to find NBTAPI dependency" message when not using NBTAPI.


  • Changed all entity data-tags to be booleans (true/false) instead of a list (it's recommended to reset your mobs.yml file).
  • Fixed capsule-item crafting recipe not working on server start.
  • Fixed issues with villagers duplicating when they had no profession.
  • Wandering trader offers are saved.
  • Removed the auto-adding dispenser catch method that was unused.
  • Fixed the typo in the salmon catch/spawner use permission check.
  • Fixed WorldGuard region checking (now works as intended).
  • Fixed Player entity being added to the mobs.yml.
  • Added a whole bunch of new data-tags for mobs.
  • Chest inventory carrying mobs like mules, donkeys, llamas now have their inventory saved.
  • Added the option remove-all-spawn-egg-data to remove the hidden persistent data added to spawn eggs (this will make all spawn eggs vanilla spawn eggs, but some features of MTE will no longer work).
  • Removed pre-set spawn egg displaynames that were left on some mob eggs.


  • Fixed the owner data tag for tamed mobs not correctly saving the tamed mob owner.
  • Fixed Bee's hive a flower locations not being saved.
  • Fixed entities with items in their main hand not spawning with the items (i.e. Skeleton bows).
  • Removed version check for isfrozen and freezeticks as MobsToEggs no longer supports MC versions below 1.17.
  • Fixed encoding issues with config files having special characters.
  • Changed capsule catching internal workings (should be more efficient now).
  • Internal library updates.
  • Now supports Villager trade and data saving (Using NBTAPI only and not Wandering Traders yet).
  • Removed the Villager data tags:
- profession
- villagertype
- villagerlevel
  • Added new Villager data tags:
- merchantoffers
- merchantvillagerdata
- brain


  • Added a new config value "ignore-catch-tamed-mobs-value-for-camels" which will allow camels to be caught when tamed mob catching is turned off.
  • Community translation added for Brazilian Portuguese (credit: mihdrix).


  • Added support for the Camel and Sniffer mobs added in MC 1.20.

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