What is EndDisable?
EndDisable allows you to open and close the end with one command. While the end is closed, entering existing end portals as well as playing ender eyes in end portal frames is disabled.
Why should I use EndDisable?
Do you want to have an epic end fight for your SMP? If so, EndDisable can help achieve this by preventing players from entering the end early. Alternatively, if you want to disable entering or leaving (This plugin doesn't prevent players from respawning in the overworld) the end completely just close the end and never open it.
Returns the current status of the end. If the end is enabled, "The End is enabled!" and otherwise "The End is disabled!".
/end enable
Enables the end and stores the new state in plugins/EndDisable/config.yml.
/end disable
Disables the end and stores the new state in plugins/EndDisable/config.yml. This doesn't kick existing players out of the end, and neither does it prevent players from teleporting to other players in the end.