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Client Execution

Client Execution

Mod and plugin

Run Client-Side only commands from the server!

Client and server Game MechanicsManagementUtility


required on both server and client (although it shouldnt crash anything if only client/only server has it)

adds a new command /executeclient for running client only commands from the server

the syntax is /executeclient <targets> <command>

the / is automatically included, eg /executeclient @r soup:random runs /soup:random from Souper Secret Settings (as long as the client has it installed), and /executeclient @p /calc would run //calc from WorldEdit

it runs the command as if the client typed it themselves, so it can also run server side commands, but only if the player running the command has the permission level needed for that command. (the command itself has the same permission level as /execute)

Notes for the plugin version:

the permission node is client_execution.executeclient, and it only works with specifically mentioned players and @a - so /executeclient Steve soup:random works, but /executeclient @p soup:random or /execute as Steve run executeclient @s soup:random do not! this is an important difference!

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