This plugin makes it easier for developers to make abilities for items.
Import the API
To import the API, you can either use Maven or Gradle. Here's how
<name>SynkDev Repository</name>
Using Maven
maven {
url ""
implementation "cc.synkdev:AbilityitemsAPI:1.2"
Using Gradle
Create your items
Creating an item is very straightforward. Here's some code for example
ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.STICK);
ItemMeta meta = itemStack.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.BOLD+"THE STICK");
AbilityItem testItem = AbilityItem.newItem("testItem").from(itemStack).lockInSlot().setQuantity(3).setClickEvent(event -> {
event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.ITALIC+"You clicked da stick...");
This creates a stick named "THE STICK". When a player clicks it, they get the message "You clicked da stick" in the chat.
To give an item to a player, it's also very straightforward:
For full documentation, visit the docs. Here's the maven repository: