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A modpack that adds the create mod and performance enhancement mods

Client LightweightTechnology


Mods Included

Forkpack is a modpack which adds a few mods including Create and Create: Steam n' Rails. But, to keep the game running well, Forkpack also adds preformace improvement mods to make sure the game is running smoothly.


The popular Sodium and Lithium mods are used to improve preformance in this modpack. Vannila Minecraft struggles to keep a good framerate because of lag spikes, memory issues, game logic issues, and rendering bugs. Meanwhile, even with some mods that add preformance overhead, Sodium and Lithuim are able to keep this modpack running well, because of opimiztions of the games code.

An image of 3 different types of minecraft with thier varying FPS

*All of these have Distant Horizons enabled and set to "medium" settings.


Create and Create: Steam n' Rails are included to enchance the overall game adding new and fun solutions to prevoiusly mundane tasks. These mods let your imagination run free by adding things like trains and monorail train tracks. Check out the pages for Create and Create: Stram n' Rails, for more information.

Secondary Features (avalible in version 1.0.0)

  1. Just Enough Items (JEI) is included to aid situations when you can't remember how to make that one item.

  2. Villager Transportation is incuded to make transporting villagers easier you can put a villager on a Camel or on a Llama.

  3. Distant Horizons is included to let you take full advantage of your graphics card and render a much wider radius of chuncks around you.

  4. Create: Copycats+ was added to give more freedom on how you want your blocks to look. Many of these mods offer aditional functionality, make sure to check out thier pages.


Some of the mods included in Forkpack have depandancies so those are also in the Modpack. These dependancies are:

  1. Fabric API
  2. Indium

Forkpack Server Edition

Forkpack includes rendering mods that might not be compatible with a server. If you want Forkpack for a server you can get Forkpack Server Edition here.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID