Structure Placer API
This simple API provides a simple way to spawn a structure in your world one-time, instead of putting it in the world generation. It could be useful for an item that creates a portal, or someother kind of structure. Or to create LuckyBlocks, who knows!
Include this library into your build.gradle
as a dependency
repositories {
maven {
name = "Modrinth"
url = ""
content {
includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
dependencies {
modImplementation "maven.modrinth:structureplacerapi:<version>"
If you want you can include
the API in your jar file by adding only the include
repositories {
maven {
name = "Modrinth"
url = ""
content {
includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
dependencies {
modImplementation "maven.modrinth:structureplacerapi:<version>"
include "maven.modrinth:structureplacerapi:<version>"
It's less than 15 kb!
How to use it
How to create the structure?
You have to create an NBT structure using minecraft's StructureBlocks, as demonstrated in this video:
Where to put the file I got?
You will need to place the structure.nbt file insde your mod's data folder, like this: data/yourmodid/structures
Creating a new placer object
In order to place the structure, you will need to create a placer object first, this is done simply by creating a new StructurePlacerAPI
object. It has quite a few parameters to play with:
StructurePlacerAPI(ServerWorld world, Identifier templateName, BlockPos blockPos, BlockMirror mirror, BlockRotation rotation, boolean ignoreEntities, float integrity, BlockPos offset)
The parameters
- The first parameter
is the wolrd in which we are going to place a structure. You could get it from an entity, or whatever. - The second parameter
is an Identifier made up by the MOD_ID of your mod and the structure's name - The third parameter
is the block position where your structure is going to spawn. You can get it from an entity coordinates for example - The fourth,
is the first of the optional parameters. With this you can mirror your structure using theBlockMirror
class. No need to create another object just type BlockMirror.#stuff - The fifth,
is like the previuous one, and you will be able to rotate your structure using theBlockRotation
class. No need to create another object just type BlockMirror.#stuff - The
parameter if set to true won't spawn entities included inside the structure file. If set to false, it will instead spawn them - The
parameter is pretty intresting, since it is a float value between 0f and 1f which will deteremine how much the structure will be run-down. If set to a value below 1f some of the blocks will be removed upon generation - Finally, the
parameter is another BlockPos that could be useful to reposition the structure under an entity's feet or something.
Placing the structure
You have just created a StructurePlacerAPI placer = new StructurePlacerAPI(things up there)
, and to spawn it you will have to do this:
Yeah ok it's not that difficult. You just have to run that tho, not the .place
method directly, since the load will also check for the existance of said structure before spawning it.
Restoring the old terrein after some time
Starting from version 1.1.0
you can also use:
placer.loadAndRestoreStructure(int restore_ticks);
to supply an amount of ticks ( 1 seconds = 20 ticks ) after which the old terrain will be restored. NOTICE: It could lead to performance issues, especially if the structure is really big! (It needs to save every block inside the structure!)
You can also add an animation for the blocks reappearing by using:
placer.loadAndRestoreStructureAnimated(int restore_ticks, int blocks_per_tick, boolean random);
is the amaount of blocks that will be replaced each tick, so if your structure is made by 200 blocks, and the blocks_per_ticks is set to 1, it will take 1 second to place 20 blocks, and 20 seconds to finish the terrain restoration.random
refers to order in which the blocks will be replaced. Setting to true, each time the regenerated block will be a random one, otherwise it will go from one angle of the structure to the other one. In my opinion, random = true is cooler.
An example of this could be the one you find insde the LightWithin mod(whihc btw, you should check out):
StructurePlacer placer = new StructurePlacer((ServerWorld) caster.getWorld(), new Identifier(MOD_ID, "frost_light"), caster.getBlockPos(), BlockMirror.NONE, BlockRotation.CLOCKWISE_90, true, 1.0f, new BlockPos(-4, -3, -3));
To have a permanent structure
StructurePlacer placer = new StructurePlacer((ServerWorld) caster.getWorld(), new Identifier(MOD_ID, "frost_light"), caster.getBlockPos(), BlockMirror.NONE, BlockRotation.CLOCKWISE_90, true, 1.0f, new BlockPos(-4, -3, -3));
placer.loadAndRestoreStructureAnimated(200, 2, true);
To make the old terrain regenerate by replacing two blocks per tick, in a random order.
//run stuff
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This API is available under the CC0 license. Feel free to learn from it and incorporate it in your own projects.
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