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nineMinecraft is in no way affiliated with Modrinth or 9minecraft. (And frankly, who wants to be affiliated with the latter?)
Push To Craft

Push To Craft


Allows you to add alternative items to existing recipes in bulk

Server LibraryManagement



This mod adds a new data type called push_to_craft. Put the files into a push_to_craft directory in your datapack or data folder of your mod (beneath the recipes or tags directories).

A valid json file is built like this:

  • additions: Array - Defines all items or tags that you want to add to the targets
    • Entries are item ids as Strings. You can use tags by prepending a #.
  • targets: Array or String - Defines which items and tags to target in the recipes
    • Entries are item ids or tags as Strings.
  • recipes: Object - Gives conditions for which items to choose
    • types: Array - optional - Defines which recipe serializers to target
      • Entries are recipe serializer ids as Strings
    • ids: Array - optional - Defines which recipes to target
      • Entries are Strings that are either of these:
        • Exact recipe ids à la minecraft:anvil
        • Namespace specific regular expression that only mark the last part of the id as regex à la minecraft:.*
        • A complete regular expression beginning and ending with a forward slash à la /.*craft:.*/


This allows you to use blackstone in favor of cobblestone everywhere:

    "additions": [
    "targets": [
    "recipes": {}

This allows you to use emeralds and all kinds of planks as alternatives to diamonds and iron ores in crafting and smelting recipes:

	"additions": [
	"targets": [
	"recipes": {
		"types": [
		"ids": [


If you're a modder and like to use this in your projects you can do so using my maven:

repositories {
    maven {
        name "Siphalor's Maven"
        url ""

dependencies {
    modCompile "de.siphalor:pushtocraft-1.15:+"
    // Optionally you can include this mod into your jar
    include "de.siphalor:pushtocraft-1.15:+"

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID