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A lot of features are not present yet in 5.x!

It is recommended to use this version alongside version 4.x, disabling the music configuration in the previous version.

  • Converted Parkour Warrior: Dojo challenge runs to a new format

    • This update has been released mainly to get you all on the new format as quick as possible! Apologies for the lack of Parkour Warrior: Survivor support, though that is in progress!
    • The game now saves and loads entire challenge runs (instead of just their timelines before), which will allow for more functionality in the future
    • The game now also saves information about the runner to the challenge run file (the player's name and unique identifier)
  • Added support for 'Section' and 'Final' branch types from Parkour Warrior: Survivor

A lot of features are not present yet in 5.x!

It is recommended to use this version alongside version 4.x, disabling the music configuration in the previous version.

  • Fixed certain round status updates not being detected due to a change in Noxcrew's message capitalisation
    • This fixes any music issues!
    • The fix involves a long-term solution so this shouldn't cause as bad of a problem in the future
  • Added Ghosts to Parkour Warrior: Dojo!

    • Currently accessed via a command
      • /companion:parkour_warrior_dojo
        • ghosts clear: clears all ghosts from the world
        • ghosts toggle <fileName> [repeat]: toggles a ghost in the world
          • <fileName>: the name of the run file
          • [repeat]: whether to send the ghost back to the beginning of the course when it finishes
        • runs list: lists all loaded runs
        • runs reload: reloads all runs from disk
    • Runs are stored in your Minecraft folder at /companion/game_instances/parkour_warrior_dojo/runs/
      • These files can be renamed to whatever you please and shared to run against other players' ghosts!
    • An interface will be added in the future! I just wanted to get this release out for the music fix!
  • Added back 'Close Beta Test Warning' under HUD settings

A lot of features are not present yet in 5.x!

It is recommended to use this version alongside version 4.x, disabling the music configuration in the previous version.

  • Fixed music trigger due to an MCC: Island patch

A lot of features are not present yet in 5.x!

It is recommended to use this version alongside version 4.x, disabling the music configuration in the previous version.

  • Slightly modified code so that the mod can run on 1.19.4

A lot of features are not present yet in 5.x!

It is recommended to use this version alongside version 4.x, disabling the music configuration in the previous version.

Differences to 4.x:

  • Added Parkour Warrior music
  • Added custom One Minute to MCC music to the To The Dome map in To Get to the Other Side (configurable)
  • Added music speed up for the Double Time modifier in To Get to the Other Side (configurable)
  • Added settings for disabling specific game music
  • Game music will now loop
  • Individual game tracks have been modified to better match the MCC event experience
    • This means that a lot of tracks have been changed to skip the intro
    • Battle Box in particular has been modified so that the music starts playing as the countdown starts, just like event
  • Added game instances
    • Game instances actively track data about the game that is currently being played
    • At the end of a game, a game instance will dump a file of all the information gathered
      • These files can be found at /companion/game_instances/
      • Currently, game instance information is only properly set up for Parkour Warrior: Dojo and To Get to the Other Side
      • The intention of these files is to provide a quick way for tournament managers to gather information from their participants. These files can be paired with screenshot proof to easier manage tournaments. Programs can be made to process these files en masse to provide statistics and other useful information on a tournament.
  • Renamed configuration to settings, and moved files to /companion/settings/
  • Rewritten the mod in Kotlin
  • Changed mod id from mccic -> mcci-companion


  • Updated to 1.20.1 (still supports 1.20)

  • Fixed being able to load the mod on 1.19.4

  • Fixed player preview in wardrobe

  • Fixed quest toasts (and added quest scroll toasts)

  • Fixed the custom loading screen

  • Tweaked custom loading screen

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0+1.20:

  • Update to 1.20



  • Added 'Hide Secure Chat Enforcement Toast'
    • Hides the 'Chat messages can't be verified' toast when on MCC: Island. Disabled by default.
  • Reorganised some configuration menus

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.34:

  • Performance improvements to next MCC event checks, MCCI: Companion update checks, and other web requests
  • Fixed issues with Discord rich presence exceptions
  • MCCI: Companion now supports non-number events (damn you April Fools MCC with your 'AF' event number)

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.33:

  • Updated to 1.19.4

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.32:

  • Added 'Badge Unlocked!' toasts
  • Updated Hungarian translations (#20)

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.31:

  • Fixed music transition to overtime due to an MCC: Island update

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.30:

  • Fixed a critical crash

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.29:

  • Fixed a lot of bugs caused by technical changes in the Badges Update
    • The unicode icon store needed some reworks in order to support old and new icons

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.28:

  • Fixed game end detection not working in the latest version of MCC: Island
  • Fixed where music fade checks are ran
  • Other tweaks and minor fixes

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.27:

  • I broke the wardrobe
  • It is now fixed
  • Crisis averted

(The API now has MCCIFont and UnicodeIconsStore#doesTextContainIconExactFont)

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.26:

^ mccic-music 0.4.0

  • Reworked fade out to be more consistent
  • Fade Transition - transitions the game music when the screen fades between worlds (queuing, leaving, etc)
  • /mccic:play_current
  • /mccic:try_fade_out

^ mccic-hud 0.4.0

  • Auto-Close Beta Test Warning - whether to close the beta test warning automatically on join. Disabled by default.
  • Player Preview in Wardrobe menus
  • Renamed the IDs of custom hud configurations (these will reset)

^ mccic-config 0.3.4

  • Load config before saving (fixes file-modified configurations being discarded on save)

^ mccic-toasts 0.5.0

  • Update Announcement - moved from mccic-api, now configurable
    • Changed to be more descriptive: 4.0.0-beta.26+1.19.3 -> 4.0.0-beta.26 for MC 1.19.3

^ mccic-api 0.7.0

  • Removed update toast (moved to mccic-toasts)
  • Only retrieve UnicodeIconsStore on load
  • ClientLoginSuccessEvent -> MCCIClientGameJoinEvent
  • Updated GitHub URLs
  • ClientHelper#getFromClient and variants
  • ClientHelper#getTitle and variants
  • ClientHelper#isFading
  • Updated UnicodeIconsStore$Icon support
    • FADE

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.25:

^ mccic-api 0.6.0

  • Moved MCCICSounds from mccic-music
  • Cleaned up ChatModeTracker#switchToNext: split up methods, and switchTo methods now return boolean for if the mode was switched

^ mccic-hud 0.3.0

  • MCCIC Loading Screen: Replaces the loading screen with the MCCI: Companion logo when loading MCC: Island

^ mccic-key-bindings 0.1.3

  • Made the chat mode toggle key binding more responsive
    • Added a click sound when switching
    • Added an error message for when no other chat modes are available

^ mccic-music 0.3.0

  • Added Transition to Overtime: transitions from the game music to the overtime music near the end of a game round
  • MCCICMusicClientImpl#GAME_SOUND_MANAGER -> GameSoundManager#INSTANCE
  • MCCICMusicClientImpl#playHoleInTheWallOtherDeathSound -> GameSoundManager

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.24:

^ mccic-discord-rp 0.3.0

  • Display Party: displays party information ('x of 4')
  • Display Game Art: OFF by default
    • ON: Display the game's art as the large image and no small image
    • OFF: Display the MCC: Island logo as the large image and the game's icon as the small image
  • Cleaned up code

CHANGELOG FOR 4.0.0-beta.23:

^ mccic-api 0.5.1

  • ChatModeTracker#getNext - fixed cycling with conditions

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