Let Me Click and Send for Server
Server-side version of LetMeClickAndSend that reverses the run_command click event restriction introduced in 1.19.1-rc1.
For example, we run the following command and then click on the displayed text:
/tellraw @a {"text":"click me to send \"hi\"","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"hi"}}
In vanilla 1.19.1+ you cannot say anything after clicking because hi
is not a valid command (a command shall start with /).
With this mod, you will automatically send a hi message to the server after clicking, which is the same behavior as previous versions of Minecraft.
Unlike the original LetMeClickAndSend, which changed the client behavior, we introduce a random 5-character server-side command generated from [0-9A-za-z] to send a fake player chat.
If we detect a "run_command" action whose value doesn't start with "/", we replace it with the generated command. This way the client will always find a real command from the `run_command' action.
Still using the previous example, we would replace the value "hi"
with something like "/a2xBg hi"
, then client would correctly execute it to send hi
from player.
As a result, the maximum length of the `run_command' action is reduced from 256 to 249.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please let us know on Github.
Concept by Alex3236, Authored by ZhuRuoLing, Alex3236, Optijava and HuajiMURsMC.
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