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FastBoot: Accelerate Your Game Loading Time

FastBoot is a mod engineered to drastically reduce game loading times by using mixin overwrites during the game loading stage.

How It Works

FastBoot operates on a simple idea: in most cases, data conversion for every game version is unnecessary. As a result, DFU rule compilation is delayed until the game is already in progress. FastBoot employs a similar approach to LazyDFU and Smooth Boot, while trying to maintain game stability and compatibility with other mods.

Performance Tests

Several tests were conducted on two different versions (1.19.2 and 1.20.1). The results show that FastBoot boosts game loading times by 1.5x to 2x compared to loading times without the mod.


FastBoot works well with all other mods, including performance mods. It is fully compatible with OptiFine. However, as the mod involves changes to methods used during game loading, if you experience any compatibility issues, please leave a comment.


Video showcasing the mod's tests:

A table representing game loading times for different versions of Minecraft with and without FastBoot:

Minecraft Version Vanilla Loading Time FastBoot Loading Time
1.16.x 15 seconds 10 seconds
1.17.x 28 seconds 10 seconds
1.18.x 24 seconds 8 seconds
1.19.x 16 seconds 8 seconds
1.20.x 17 seconds 10 seconds

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID