Custom Join & Leave Messages
What does this mod do?
This mod allows players on your server to set their own custom join and leave messages.
How do I add a leave or join message?
To add a custom join message you can use the following command:
/join-msg set [Join message here]
To add a custom leave message you can use the following command:
/leave-msg set [Leave message here]
How do I remove a custom message?
To remove a custom message you can use the following commands:
/leave-msg remove
/join-msg remove
Does this support the Minecraft formatting codes?
Colors and other formattings can be used with the messages. You can also use the & symbol in place of §
How do I install the mod?
Place the mod's jar into your mods folder on the server. The mod does not need to be installed client side
Project members
Technical information
Client side
Server side
Project ID