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Conditional Proxy Mod Initializers


A simple library for running a proxy Fabric initializer if a required mod exists

Client and server CursedLibraryManagementUtility

1 follower

A simple 5-class mod which adds support for initializing code depending on if a specific mod exists.

This mod will always load last, so there is no need to worry about race conditions due to mod load order.

Code and variables must be available before or during any mod initialization stages (ie cannot be done on datapack reload for example)


// Inside main ModInitializer, ClientModInitializer, or any class that gets called at some point during Fabric init

// For running an instance of a ModInitializer:
ConditionalModInitializer myConditionalModInitializer = new ConditionalModInitializer.Builder().mods("some-mod").initializer(SomeOtherInitializer.class).build();

// For running any unspecified code:

ConditionalModInitializer myConditionalRunner = new ConditionalModInitializer.Builder().mods("some-other-mod").found(() -> {
  // Code goes here
    public void onInitialize() {

  • NOTE: new ConditionalModInitializer.Builder() MUST be assigned to a variable, or be called inside a function to work! Static declaration ( static{} will NOT work!)


  • ConditionalModInitializer

    • create() -> Returns a new Builder() instance. (Same as running new ConditionalModInitializer.Builder())
    • mods() -> List<String> : Returns the list of any mod that is required for this initializer
    • required_mods() -> List<String> : Returns list of all required mods for this initializer
    • can_run -> Boolean : Whether or not the initializer has ran yet
    • environment() -> ExtendedEnvType : Returns the environment (initializer type) for this initializer
      • ExtendedEnvType.CLIENT : ClientModInitializer
      • ExtendedEnvType.SERVER : ModInitializer
      • ExtendedEnvType.DEDICATED_SERVER: DedicatedServerModInitializer
    • on_found() -> Runnable : Returns the function to call when a required mod is found
  • ConditionalModInitializer.Builder

    • mods(String...) : Appends to the list of mods that will allow this initializer to run

    • required_mods(String...) : Appends to the list of required mods for this initializer

    • environment(ExtendedEnvType) : Sets the environment of the initializer (Default: ExtendedEnvType.SERVER : ModInitializer)

    • found(Runnable) : Code to execute if the mod is found

    • initializer(Class<ModInitializer>) : Initializer to run if the mod is found

    • mainInitializer(Class<ModInitializer>) : Initializer to run if the mod is found

    • clientInitializer(Class<ClientModInitializer>) : Initializer to run if the mod is found

    • serverInitializer(Class<DedicatedServerModInitializer>) : Initializer to run if the mod is found

    • build() : Returns the finalized ConditionalModInitializer

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID