<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset=""> </picture>Questions or issues? -> discord server | or create an issue on github
Suggestions and ideas to improve the datapack are welcome and the best support
1. Sleeping players are displayed over the hotbar
2. Change how many players have to sleep to skip the night in the config
3. Use percentage instead of amount of players
4. Change if the night should be instantly skipped or just accelerated in the config
5. Change how long it should take to skip the night in the config
6. Set for yourself a notification for when you can sleep
7. Change how names should get displayed in the actionbar
8. Change to get heal when sleeping or not
9. Compatible with my AFK Announcer datapack/mod so players that are afk do not need to sleep to skip the night (you can change that with the config)
Config update coming soon
To enable a notification that notifies you when you can go to bed use:
/trigger sleep_notification set value
value = 0 = disabled --> default value
value = 1 = chat notification
value = 2 = sound notification
value = 3 = chat & sound notification
edit the volume of the notifcation with the voice/speech percentage in the music & sound options
You dont like the sound? tell me on my discord server
Who can do this? --> Everyone (only players who have enabled this will get a message or sound)
To change how many players have to sleep to skip the night do:
/scoreboard players set &amount_to_sleep sleep.config your_value
your_value = amount of players that have to sleep | 1 = default value
If there are less players than your set value online, only 1 player has to sleep
Who can change that? --> Only server operators
If you want to use percentage instead of amount of players
/scoreboard players set &percentage_mode sleep.config value
value = 0 = off (amount of players is used) --> default
value = 1 = on (percentage of players is used)
To change the percentage of players that have to sleep
/scoreboard players set &percentage_to_sleep sleep.config value
value = percentage of players that have to sleep
default value = 50 (so 50% of the players have to sleep)
To change between instant night skip and time warp do:
/scoreboard players set &time_control sleep.config value
value = 0 = instant night skip --> default value
value = 1 = time warp
Who can change that? --> Only server operators
To change how long it should take to skip a night do:
/scoreboard players set &time_until_skip sleep.config value
value = 1 = 2 seconds
value = 2 = 5 seconds --> default value
value = 3 = 10 seconds
For 1.21+ only value = any value in seconds
Who can change that? --> Only server operators
To change if afk players should count to the players that need to sleep do:
/scoreboard players set &afk_players_sleep sleep.config value
value = 0 = off --> default value
value = 1 = on
Who can change that? --> Only server operators
To change how names get displayed in the actionbar --> 1.21+ only
/scoreboard &actionbar_display sleep.config set value
value = 0 = disabled ​​​​​​​
value = 1 = Only names --> default
value = 2 = @s selector (e.g. prefix will be shown)
Who can change that? --> Only server operators
Change to get heal when sleeping
/scoreboard players set &heal_when_sleeping sleep.config value
value = 0 = disabled --> default
value = 1 = Slow regeneration​​​​​​​
value = 2 = Instant full health