Custom Life Reimagined
This project was commissioned by a friend for our server, so this is a bundle of his ideas and mine.
Based on Grian's Life Series.
At the start when you run the pack it will roll 4-6 lives for everyone on the server, then you can start the session (time can be chosen in the settings) about two minutes after the start, the boogeymen are chosen; their goal is to hunt one of the players to satisfy the boogey curse. They will be rewarded two hearts for the hunt.
When a player gets down to two lives left, they will gain a yellow nametag and will be rewarded three hearts upon eliminating another player; if the chosen boogeyman is yellow, they will be rewarded four hearts instead.
(note: yellows start at eight hearts instead of ten)
When a player gets down to one life left, they will gain a red nametag and gain five hearts on kill. Red players can't become the boogeyman and if the a boogeyman dies and goes down to red, they will be spared of the boogeyman role.
At around the 20minute mark, a hint will be given to the boogeyman providing the coordinates of a random player; that player will be warned of the hunting boogeymen. The number of times they receive the warning will indicate the number of boogeymen hunting them.
When a Boogeyman fails to hunt a player before the end of a round they will lose a life.
There is an altar you can place that will grant you another life in exechange for ten hearts.
(note: You must have at least eleven hearts to exchange)
- Use one of these at the start once all the player are in the server. If you use it again, lives will be reset.
/function admin_controls_lc:reset
- Use to access the setting where you can change the boogeyman count, worldborder starting size, boogeyman hints, and time for the session.
/function admin_controls_lc:settings
- When you're ready to start the session use this
/function admin_controls_lc:session_start
- To pause/resume a session.
/function admin_controls_lc:pause
/function admin_controls_lc:resume
- To summon the altar type using the cords you want and to remove one use the second one.
/execute positioned "cords here" run function admin_controls_lc:altar_heart_exchange/summon_heart_exchange_altar
/function admin_controls_lc:altar_heart_exchange/delete_nearest_heart_exchange
- If a player joins late you can use this command to add them.
/execute as "Player name here" run function admin_controls_lc:add_player
- If something is not working, try this command.
/function admin_controls_lc:patch
- Use when you need everything reset.
/function admin_controls_lc:reset
- Use when removing the pack
/function life_control:uninstall
- Tnt's recipe was changed to four sand and one gunpowder
- Adds three new recipes:
- Saddle: three leather in line
- Nametag: one leather and one string
- Moss_block: one wheat seed and one bonemeal