Updated Pack.mcmeta to Multiversion format
removed unnecesary colors
Reworked pack icon
Rotated item glint to make it looks better on shield, this change also makes the animation faster (Now matchs armor speed)
Now i make all glints pixel for pixel instead of using color curves that allows me to customize the glint color event further
- Improved colors and change color names
Usually all glints have all colors at same time but now there is some that are of one color that changes to another trought time, it allows me to mix any color without problem
- Added color mixes
Right now i added these color mixes:
- Summer -> Yellow - Green - Aqua
- Sunset -> Orange - Purple
- Galaxy -> Pink - Purple - Blue - Aqua
- Rainbow -> You know
Wanna a new color mix? talk to me trought discord, my tag is "spryzeen"
Don't forget to read installation guide!!!! or at least the zip name...
!§ MiB) Primary Download