The currently emulated ability with replication now applies weight, however it is 1.25x lighter than normal
Intuitive can now only copy one power per brain and can choose not to copy any powers (This still destroys the brain)
Increased stockpile ability cost across the board
Parallel Processing weight 10 -> 5
Added genetic booster (increases stability by 20 for 5 minutes)
Added genetic blocker (Requires genetic sequencer in offhand to program) prevents specific power from being deleted with erasure pill however the blocker is removed when using a erasure pill so a new one has to be used after, Blocker can be checked with sequencer.
Added improved strange pills (These last 2x longer than normal ones and cleanse copy powers of all abilities inside (except Ocular Psychogenesis) and doesn't remove intuitive origin powers)
Added new power, [Spatial Armaments]
External resources
Project members

Visionary Documentarian

King Pack Developer