--- A total rewrite ---
♦ Completely changed the way of how the pieces of the structure generates, basically my pieces used to crash each other and generate too close. ♦ Added many more mineshafts pieces, so with this update my goal is to don't get bored of always seeing the same mineshaft piece over and over again ♦ Added pots with loot and chests around it, this pots can have: "Emeralds, TNT, bundle, pickaxes, Experience Bottles, and Lanters" ♦ Vindicators spawn rarely in mineshafts, careful! ♦ Added to a new poisonous skeleton, this was inspired by the new incoming minecraft structure "Trial Chambers" this new skeleton has more health than usual. ♦ Updated every single structure, adding more wood details. ♦ Rooms generation has been reduced, it some scenarios was too overpowered. ♦ Totally changed how mineshafts variations generate. Adding more chance to make the others generate. ♦ Added some RARE ores being generated around the mineshafts, you can find those while you walk around it, here are some data that you might like to know.
- Stone mineshaft generate lapis and iron
- Deepslate mineshaft generate gold and redstone
- Oak mineshaft generate emerald and iron
- Spruce mineshaft generate copper and emerald
- Birch mineshaft generate iron and lapis
- Acacia mineshaft generate iron and copper
- Dark Oak mineshaft generate gold and coal
- Jungle mineshaft generate lapis and emerald
- Mangrove mineshaft generate redstone and coal
- Bamboo mineshaft generate lapis and emerald
- Cherry mineshaft generate iron and lapis
- Mud mineshaft generate redstone and coal ♦ All mineshaft now tends to generate more deeper, hopefully this fix mineshafts spawing around the surface, which sometimes looked really bad tbh. ♦ Deleted some old mineshaft pieces, some of them just really look bad. ♦ Fixed a bug that makes my custom banners and potions don't have their custom name. ♦ Added a dungeon cave spider structure. ♦ General improvements.
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